Drug Store: Very soon you will find the complete list of all drug stores on duty in Yaoundé and all the other cities of Cameroon, as well as other emergency information (hospitals, police, firemen etc ...)
terms and conditions
www.annonces.cm - is a virtual marketplace for products and services of any type. As soon as you decide to use the platform, you must accept following conditions:
- Users promises to respect laws N°2010 / 012 relating to cybersecurity and to cybercrime, N°2010 / 021 governing electronic trade and N°2010 / 013 governing electronic communications of December 21st, 2010 in Cameroon.
- The advertiser is alone entirely responsible for contents by him published in the platform.
- The administration team of the platform is responsible for no contents published by advertisers.
- The visitor of the marketplace is entirely responsible for analysis, check for integrity, the reliability and the compliance of information from different ads and must pay attention to avoid being nicked by the indelicate advertisers. He must moreover declare any abuse on ads to allow us to target potentials swindles and to move them aside from the portal.
- Any violation or breach noticed on an ad gives straight to the administrator of the portal to delete immediately the implicated ad.
- The administration team can if it is necessary share any information to its disposition concerning any swindle detected in the portal, but also to exclude the authors of aforementioned swindles of any use of the portal.